MFT Score

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MFT Exam Passing Score

The passing score for the MFT Exam isn’t a fixed number like 70 or 80; instead, it’s determined based on the exam’s difficulty, reviewed by an expert panel each time. This criterion is pivotal in securing your licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), ensuring that you have the competence required for professional practice. […]

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MFT Exam Passing Score

The passing score for the MFT (Marriage and Family Therapy) Exam isn’t a set number—it’s determined using the modified Angoff method and varies with each exam. Achieving this score is a pivotal step in the pathway to becoming a licensed marriage and family therapist. While specifics can differ by state, preparing diligently is key to

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MFT Exam Pass Rate

The MFT Exam, a critical step for licensure in marriage and family therapy, has varying pass rates that can reflect the quality of academic programs and effectiveness of test preparation. Pass rates fluctuate but generally reveal higher success in specific regions like the Northeast and Midwest. Strategies such as attending accredited MFT programs and utilizing

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